Косметика Limoni

Косметика Limoni

Косметическая компания LIMONI была основана в 2004 году с целью представить косметику высочайшего качества по разумной цене. Используя новейшие достижения и опираясь на многолетний опыт, LIMONI выпускает полный спектр декоративной косметики, а также линии средств по уходу за кожей, косметику для ногтей, парфюмерию и профессиональные аксессуары.

Сегодня LIMONI - это современные текстуры, модные цвета, изысканная упаковка, объединенные в продукты концепцией «доступного совершенства» для современных женщин.

Основное качество средств для ухода за кожей - эффективность. Средства для ухода за кожей нашей марки - это не просто красивая упаковка и броское название. Потребители ценят результат, достигаемый применением наших средств линеек Premium Syn-Ake, Hyaluronic, Snail Inyense, Fresh Skin, и других. 

Бренд LIMONI продолжает динамично развиваться благодаря инновационному подходу к созданию каждого продукта с учетом последних мировых тенденций.

Косметика LIMONI способна дать женщине то, к чему она всегда стремится: быть современной, красивой, элегантной, уверенной в себе. Совершенство доступно!

Косметика LIMONI представлена более чем в 1500 магазинах по всей России. Полный ассортимент косметики LIMONI можно приобрести в фирменных магазинах LIMONI Make-up & Beauty: посмотреть магазины на карте

The natural goat hair brush will gently blend the shades of the eyeshadow together. Ideal for sculpting orbital bone or for applying cream eyeshadow or under-shadow base. Convenient for applying texture to small details of makeup (on the inner corner of the eye of the upper and lower eyelids, on...
Natural goat hair brushes are ideal for applying dry, pressed, crumbly textures. Goat brushes are quite elastic and soft at the same time. Suitable for both natural makeup and more intense. We recommend buying a separate brush for light shades and separately for dark shades. Purpose: for...
Natural goat hair brushes are ideal for applying dry, pressed, crumbly textures. Goat brushes are quite elastic and soft at the same time. Suitable for both natural makeup and more intense. We recommend buying a separate brush for light shades and separately for dark shades. Purpose: for...
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LIMONI Perfect Lipliner with a creamy and light texture for perfect lip makeup! • wax-based • waterproof • incredibly soft • high coverage density • super clear outline • contains natural antioxidants • without mineral oils • highly pigmented formula The highly pigmented,...
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LIMONI Perfect Lipliner with a creamy and light texture for perfect lip makeup! • wax-based • waterproof • incredibly soft • high coverage density • super clear outline • contains natural antioxidants • without mineral oils • highly pigmented formula The highly pigmented,...
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LIMONI Perfect Lipliner with a creamy and light texture for perfect lip makeup! • wax-based • waterproof • incredibly soft • high coverage density • super clear outline • contains natural antioxidants • without mineral oils • highly pigmented formula The highly pigmented,...
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LIMONI Perfect Lipliner with a creamy and light texture for perfect lip makeup! • wax-based • waterproof • incredibly soft • high coverage density • super clear outline • contains natural antioxidants • without mineral oils • highly pigmented formula The highly pigmented,...
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LIMONI Perfect Lipliner with a creamy and light texture for perfect lip makeup! • wax-based • waterproof • incredibly soft • high coverage density • super clear outline • contains natural antioxidants • without mineral oils • highly pigmented formula The highly pigmented,...
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LIMONI Perfect Lipliner with a creamy and light texture for perfect lip makeup! • wax-based • waterproof • incredibly soft • high coverage density • super clear outline • contains natural antioxidants • without mineral oils • highly pigmented formula The highly pigmented,...
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The LIMONI Precision Eyeliner is ideal for drawing ultra-trendy arrows, for drawing mucous membranes or for creating Smoky Eyes. The soft texture of the pencil blends easily into a haze while retaining its pigment. The wax base is highly stable throughout the day. The makeup lasts up to 12...
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The LIMONI Precision Eyeliner is ideal for drawing ultra-trendy arrows, for drawing mucous membranes or for creating Smoky Eyes. The soft texture of the pencil blends easily into a haze while retaining its pigment. The wax base is highly stable throughout the day. The makeup lasts up to 12...
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The LIMONI Precision Eyeliner is ideal for drawing ultra-trendy arrows, for drawing mucous membranes or for creating Smoky Eyes. The soft texture of the pencil blends easily into a haze while retaining its pigment. The wax base is highly stable throughout the day. The makeup lasts up to 12...
Свойствастойкие Номер оттенка13
A unique product designed to highlight your beauty. Highlighter HIGHLIGHTING POWDER LIMONI is a cosmetic product designed to highlight certain parts of your face by lightening them. It "attracts" light rays and reflects them, making the skin look illuminated from the inside. The highlighter...
Оттенок (хайлайтер)03
Three products from the popular Syn-Ake series: face cream, night mask, and eye cream. Nice price and gift wrapping!
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2 100 
All Stay Cover Cushion is a lightweight foundation that creates the effect of perfectly even, clean and delicate skin. The unique composition of the cushion formula cares for your skin, preserving its beauty. The moisturizing gel fills in wrinkles and unevenness, creating a protective film on...
Оттенок02 Medium
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2 999 
All Stay Cover Cushion is a lightweight foundation that creates the effect of perfectly even, clean and delicate skin. The unique composition of the cushion formula cares for your skin, preserving its beauty. The moisturizing gel fills in wrinkles and unevenness, creating a protective film on...
ДизайнGalaxy Оттенок01 Light
All Stay Cover Cushion is a lightweight foundation that creates the effect of perfectly even, clean and delicate skin. The unique composition of the cushion formula cares for your skin, preserving its beauty. The moisturizing gel fills in wrinkles and unevenness, creating a protective film on...
ДизайнSea Princess Оттенок01 Light
All Stay Cover Cushion is a lightweight foundation that creates the effect of perfectly even, clean and delicate skin. The unique composition of the cushion formula cares for your skin, preserving its beauty. The moisturizing gel fills in wrinkles and unevenness, creating a protective film on...
ДизайнJungle Princess Оттенок01 Light
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