
Компактная минеральная пудра Transparent Matte Powder с матирующим эффектом устраняет несовершенства кожи, скрывает жирный блеск и делает незаметными морщины. Внешний вид лица становится красивым, свежим и здоровым. Пудра незаметная при нанесении. Ее использование служит отличным вариантом...
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1 590 
Innovative technologies have made it possible to create a truly revolutionary cosmetic product in the form of Lace Powder compact powder. She is able to perfectly mask minor imperfections and minor mimic wrinkles. The perfect formula of the powder and the original composition, including...
Оттенок (Lace)01
In stock
1 450 
Satin compact powder is easily applied to the skin and forms a "mask effect". Its state-of-the-art ingredients create a natural color and excellent coverage. The greasy shine is masked. Applying the powder guarantees a secure fixation of the makeup. Powder can be applied either with a sponge or...
Оттенок (Satin powder)01
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Face Sculpt Powder, made with Soft Touch technology, has a delicate velvety texture. The pigmented formula of the powder is evenly distributed over the skin and creates a modeling effect when correcting the oval of the face. How to use Apply the Sculpting Powder to the areas of the face...
Оттенок (sculpt powder)01