Наборы детской косметики

Набор детских лаков для ногтей на водной основе и элегантная сумочка. Яркий набор в подарочной упаковке для маленькой модницы: три безопасных детских лака и удобная стильная сумочка на ремешке через плечо. Сумочка компактная, лёгкая, но при этом вместительная, в неё можно положить любимый...
Limoni Bambini children's nail polishes, set No. 11 (2 varnishes and Nekusayka), image
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Stylish manicure for a little princess without harm to health is not a fairy tale! Little women of fashion dream of being like their mothers. That is why the bottles are exactly the same as the design of LIMONI "adult" nail polishes. Due to the fact that the varnish is easily washed off with...
Stylish manicure for a little princess without harm to health is not a fairy tale! Little women of fashion dream of being like their mothers. That is why the bottles are exactly the same as the design of LIMONI "adult" nail polishes. Due to the fact that the varnish is easily washed off with...

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